When you write your first novel you don’t really know what you’re doing. There may be writers out there who are brilliant, incisive and in

When you write your first novel you don’t really know what you’re doing. There may be writers out there who are brilliant, incisive and in control from their first ‘Once upon a time’. I’m not one of them. Every once upon a time for me is another experience of white-water rafting in a leaky inner tube. And I have this theory that while the Story Council has its faults, it does have some idea that if books are going to get written, authors have to be able to write them.

Robin McKinley

Let the first act of every morning be to make the following resolve for the day:- I shall not fear anyone on Earth. – I shall fear

Let the first act of every morning be to make the following resolve for the day:

– I shall not fear anyone on Earth.
– I shall fear only God.
– I shall not bear ill will toward anyone.
– I shall not submit to injustice from anyone.
– I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.

Mahatma Gandhi

The merest accident of microgeography had meant that the first man to hear the voice of Om, and who gave Om his view of humans, was a shepherd

The merest accident of microgeography had meant that the first man to hear the voice of Om, and who gave Om his view of humans, was a shepherd and not a goatherd. They have quite different ways of looking at the world, and the whole of history might have been different. For sheep are stupid, and have to be driven. But goats are intelligent, and need to be led.

Terry Pratchett,

Small Gods

The first step to the knowledge of the wonder and mystery of life is the recognition of the monstrous nature of the earthly human realm as

The first step to the knowledge of the wonder and mystery of life is the recognition of the monstrous nature of the earthly human realm as well as its glory, the realization that this is just how it is and that it cannot and will not be changed. Those who think they know how the universe could have been had they created it, without pain, without sorrow, without time, without death, are unfit for illumination.

Joseph Campbell

Critics all have this idea that authors inhabit another dimensional realm, right up to their first smack in the mouth – which feels to them

Critics all have this idea that authors inhabit another dimensional realm, right up to their first smack in the mouth – which feels to them quite miraculous, being their sex-dream come true.

Don Paterson,

The Blind Eye: A Book Of Late Advice