It’s a sweet setup, I’ll admit. For all that the maids STILL show up each day with jumbo crucifixes, jumpy movements, and red eyes from crying

It’s a sweet setup, I’ll admit. For all that the maids STILL show up each day with jumbo crucifixes, jumpy movements, and red eyes from crying over the short straw that drew them vampire duty.’ Yesterday, she’d just stopped herself from raising her clenched hands above her head and chasing one of them around the room groaning, ‘I vant to suck your blood.

Kresley Cole,

A Hunger Like No Other

A black cat among roses,phlox, lilac-misted under a quarter moon,the sweet smells of heliotrope and night-scented stock. The garden is

A black cat among roses,
phlox, lilac-misted under a quarter moon,
the sweet smells of heliotrope and night-scented stock. The garden is very still.
It is dazed with moonlight,
contented with perfume…

Amy Lowell

He was raw and sharp and rich and throbbing with life. He was sweet blood after a long hunt. How could she have mistaken Aiden’s kisses for

He was raw and sharp and rich and throbbing with life. He was sweet blood after a long hunt. How could she have mistaken Aiden’s kisses for this They had been delicious and smooth like the brief comfort of chocolate, but they had never been enough.

Annette Curtis Klause,

Blood and Chocolate